
Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: Which One Does Your Business Need?

As social media and video marketing become more commonplace, businesses of all sizes and industries are looking for new ways to stand out from competitors. Although the terms augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) may appear to be the latest buzzwords in commercial marketing, these emerging technologies are becoming increasingly important for commercial enterprises looking to modernize their operations to overcome current challenges and prepare for the future.

Although the terms augmented reality and virtual reality may conjure up images of a dizzying video game, these emerging technologies have advanced significantly over the years to become useful and sophisticated tools for businesses of all sizes. But what does this new technology mean for commercial businesses and online retailers?

In this article, we’ll look at the differences between augmented reality and virtual reality, how each system can be used in commercial enterprise, and how to decide which is best for your business.

To know which one is better for your business, you need to get a clear understanding of the various differences between augmented reality and virtual reality. And discover how Picturelab can assist you with showcasing any of your AR or VR products.  A full-service video production company with extensive experience working with innovative technology companies, We’re experts in producing effective AR and VR marketing and concept videos.  Here are a few examples.

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What’s the Difference?

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are currently generating enormous interest around the world due to the vast possibilities they open up for marketing, brand development, and customer experience. While these two devices are frequently confused because they are similar in many ways, augmented reality and virtual reality have distinct differences that drastically set them apart from each other.

While the terms augmented and virtual reality are frequently used these days, it’s important to remember that these examples provide significantly distinct experiences.

Augmented Reality in a Nutshell

The term “augmented reality” refers to how computer-generated stimuli that appeal to the visual, haptic, and auditory senses enhance the user’s experience of the physical world. AR combines digital components with the user’s real-world environment to create an immersive, interactive experience.

AR experiences can be launched from smartphones, tablets, or even personal computers. It does not necessitate the use of any specialized equipment, such as visors or headsets. However, for advanced applications, this equipment can be combined with AR technology.

Essentially, augmented reality enhances your existing environment and allows you to get more out of everyday experiences. Using a phone’s camera or video viewer, AR projects virtual pictures and characters onto the mundane, physical world. An augmented reality experience simply enhances the real-world experience of the user.

Virtual Reality in a Nutshell

When it comes to “virtual reality,” your vision and surroundings are completely replaced, and you concentrate on interacting with the digital elements you see in this new landscape. With virtual reality, you immerse yourself in a digital environment created just for you, and you can interact with elements of the digital environment and learn new things through sensors and intelligent feedback.

Virtual reality takes these elements to the next level by producing an entirely computer-generated simulation of a different world. With the help of computers, sensors, headsets, and gloves, these immersive simulations allow players to experience any visual or location they can imagine. While you’re still in the “real world,” virtual reality tricks your senses into thinking you’re somewhere else.

How Are Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Being Used in Commercial Business?

To maintain a competitive edge in today’s fast-changing world, a company must constantly stay up to date with the latest technologies. As a result, an increasing number of companies have begun to use augmented reality and virtual reality for a variety of purposes, ranging from staff training to marketing and more.

Let’s take a closer look at how AR and VR are being used by commercial businesses worldwide.

Gain Valuable Information

Field workers can gather information from specialists and see it displayed in front of them as they work, ensuring that they know exactly how to fix a problem for a customer without additional help.

Employee Training

Virtual reality is an excellent way to provide safe and secure training environments for high-risk jobs to your employees. Employees can use virtual reality technology to learn how to flee a potentially life-threatening situation and learn from mistakes without putting themselves or others in danger.


Augmented reality technology can also assist engineers in visualizing models of large-scale projects. You can walk through a building visualization to spot any mistakes that previous members may have made. You can even share 3D documents and ideas in real-time, allowing team members to become more immersed in the discussion.


More and more schools are recognizing that virtual reality can help students learn more effectively. Students can interact with one another in a three-dimensional environment, travel back in time to different eras, and even take a tour of the solar system thanks to a virtual reality device.


In recent years, shoppers have increasingly used their smartphones to look for product information and compare prices. With an augmented reality display, headset, or smartphone, users can view specific products in real-time, so they can decide how they might use them in the future.


Employees can use virtual reality to build entirely new products and experiment with designs without wasting any materials or resources. Working in 3D allows designers to create unique concepts without having to test them with costly materials.


Augment reality enables travel companies and agents to provide prospective customers with an immersive experience of their preferred destinations before they travel. With augmented reality, people can travel to cities or towns they plan to visit, as well as museums, art galleries, shopping areas, and other attractions.

Change the Reality of Your Business with Picturelab

Although augmented reality and virtual reality are relatively new to commercial businesses, they are already making a significant impact across all industries. As a result, AR and VR are poised to become driving forces of professional transformation over the next decade, from delivering highly engaging and personalized customer experiences to immersive employee training and medical advancements.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are technological frontiers, with each piece of software providing unique advantages that a business should be aware of. If you’re a commercial business owner interested in learning more about how augmented reality can benefit your commercial business, Picturelab can help.

Do you have an augmented reality product you’d like to show off to new or existing customers?

At Picturelab, we want to help our customers translate their brand story into compelling video content that will help them engage with their target audiences and investors. Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, we’re proud to serve the Mountain View, San Jose, Silicon Valley, and greater San Francisco Bay areas, and we remain committed to helping customers from all over the world with their video production and creative needs.

Augmented reality has limitless potential, and we can’t wait to help you demonstrate the potential of your product in a clear and understandable manner. To learn more about our corporate video production services, contact Picturelab today to speak with a member of our staff about how we can assist you.

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