When we ask clients what they would like to see in their “About” video, we usually hear something like this:
“We’ll just have some of our people talking about us and then some b-roll.”
That more or less sums up most of the About videos out there, and it’s not a wrong formula. In fact, even as a creative video production company, that’s pretty much what we do for these.
But even within this formula, there are ways to enhance them to make them stand out.
What is an About video?
The About video is a branding asset that introduces your company, your mission, and your services. Whether it’s for a startup, an established business, or a government or non-profit organization, the About video is an important asset for creating awareness, fundraising or general marketing purposes.
They are typically longer than an explainer or an overview video, and focuses more on the brand than a product or service.
They also have more of a personal touch. They tend to feature real people rather than actors or animation. So there’s often quite a few talking heads.
Sounds pretty boring? Well, that leads to the next point….
How to make your About video not boring
Everything from college application essays to a LinkedIn profile essentially follows some pre-set format. But what sets one apart is the creativity and delivery within those set parameters. Content matters, but execution is sometimes more important in order for you to stand out from the rest. We’ve all seen bad movies that have great ideas. And movies like Star Wars, which had a simple and sort of ridiculous storyline, that became huge hits because they are executed well.
Most About videos will have the same format: talking heads and b-roll. What sets them apart are a few very important factors.
Tell a Good Story
It’s important that you tell a good story that your audiences can relate to. There’s often the temptation to try and fit everything into a video, but all that usually produces is a bit mess of nothing. Find one storyline – the most important and impactful story – and stick with it. And don’t hesitate to cut material that does not advance that line.
Find Creativity in Everything
Challenge yourself to be creative in every aspect of the production. That of course starts with the script – find interesting ways to convey ideas – but also in everything from the location, backgrounds, camera angles, b-roll choices, graphics and animation, etc, etc. If you can somehow find ways to be creative in every shot, you’ll have a much strong video in whole.
Talent is Very Important
Find the right talent that will keep your audience engaged. Your CEO might be the most brilliant person alive, but if she or he is not the most camera-friendly, look for a different executive to present your company. Some feelings might be hurt, but a video is an investment and an engaging video has a much higher ROI.
Here’s an example with a very charismatic and energetic CEO, which resulted in a highly engaging video.
Production Value Adds Engagement
The level of production improves the overall execution of your content. Just like a movie with bad special effects, poor production is distracting. And we’re not referring to special effects or advance motion graphics. It’s basic things like lighting and audio. These days, it’s easy to make videos, but it’s still surprising how many companies that take the DIY route still have videos with poor production quality. Content is important but so is the technical execution.
Sum it Up
“About” Videos are important marketing tools and spending the time to do them right will produce higher returns. It’s important to tell the right story, include creativity, use the right people, and have good production quality. Keep those in mind, and your About video will be impactful.
Contact Picturelab and let’s talk about your About Video.
Picturelab is a full-service video production company based in Mountain View, CA, and Irvine, CA. We provide live action and animation video production services to clients all over the United States and the World.